Computer with the word learning on screen

Free virtual conference. Suitable for everyone.

This year, we will be live steaming to Youtube and participating via Discord.  Check out the details for links and our schedule!

All talks will be recorded and posted, so watch our Twitter for announcements.



What is Intro Sec Con?

Everyone who joins the Information Security community comes via their own path.  Along the way, friends, mentors, and colleagues join you to help build projects, hack gadgets, or capture flags.  We build these communities and it is there that we can learn, play, and grow.

Intro Sec Con is way to bring our communities closer, so that we may all learn from each other, regardless of where we are on our journey.

There is no cost.  There is no registration.  There are no expectations.  You are welcome to watch the talks, join the discussion, and even to present something you’re learning about, so that others may learn from you.

Thank You To Our Gold Tier Sponsors!



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All Intro Sec Con-generated content is released under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States (CC BY 3.0 US)
All participant- and speaker-generated content remains property of its creator.